Create Bolna API connection with Zapier
Step-by-step guide to integrating Bolna Voice AI with Zapier by creating an API connection, enabling efficient workflow automation.
Following are the steps to create a API connection
In this tutorial, we will:
- Create a new Bolna API connection
Navigate to Zapier Apps section and click "Add Connection"
Go to to manage apps
Zapier Apps section
Search and select "Bolna" from the list of apps
Selecing Bolna on Zapier Apps
Generate and copy the new API Key from Bolna dashboard
Please refer to this documentation for creating a new API Key.
Generating a new API Key on Bolna Dashboard
Paste the API Key from above step in Zapier connection dialog
Pasting the Bolna API Key
Save and Continue
Saving the connection
Successfully added Bolna API connection
Successfully authenticating and adding the Bolna app connection
After completing the above steps, you can use Action modules to make Bolna APIs call on Zapier.
Please refer to Bolna APIs from
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