Making outbound calls from dashboard

  1. Login to the dashboard at using your account credentials

Login Bolna playground

  1. Choose Plivo as the Call provider for your agent and save it

Choose Plivo as the agent call provider

  1. Start placing phone calls by providing the recipient phone numbers. Bolna will place the calls to the provided phone numbers.

Start placing phone calls on Bolna using Plivo

You can place calls using your own custom Plivo phone numbers only if you’ve connected your Plivo account. You can read more on how to connect your Plivo account here.

Making outbound calls Using APIs

  1. Generate and save your Bolna API Key
  2. Set your agent input and output tools as plivo while using /create Agent API
"tools_config": {
    "output": {
        "format": "wav",
        "provider": "plivo"
    "input": {
        "format": "wav",
        "provider": "plivo"
    "synthesizer": {...},
    "llm_agent": {...},
    "transcriber": {...},
    "api_tools": {...}
  1. Use /call API to place the call to the agent

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'Authorization: <authorization>' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "agent_id": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000",
  "recipient_phone_number": "+10123456789"